Rewriting articles is a common technique used by bloggers and writers. One can select a great piece of content from the internet and rewrite it in a unique and better sense. Students and teachers also rewrite their essays and research papers to make them perfect and error-free. The rewritten version of the content must be better than the original version. There are a lot of steps that may go into rewriting an article but you need to focus on key aspects if you want to make it great. This blog will look at some of the things that you need to consider while rewriting an article.
When is it necessary to rewrite an article?
Difference between rewriting and revision
Students and beginners often consider rewriting and revision as the same terms when they are not. Rewriting means changing the complete article structure, theme, sentences, and even headings. While revision means rereading/assessing an article to remove all types of errors like grammatical errors etc. to improve the quality of content.
In the revision, we only correct the mistakes present in the article, and the content of the article remains the same. When you rewrite something, you start from scratch and completely change it. This can be a good thing if the original was not very good, but it can also be a lot of work.
5 Tips to consider while rewriting an article
Rewriting an article follows a proper procedure that every writer must know. One should use their voice when rewriting the article to make it look more genuine. I have listed some key points to consider that would help you better rewrite an article;
1. Read the content and make a list of changes required
First, read and reread the content to better understand it and then assess the whole content for a genuine review. It would help you list the mistakes and changes that are needed to improve the content quality. It would also help you think of some new points to add to the content.
2. Add SEO keywords
Make sure to include suitable keywords while rewriting the content. SEO-optimized content generates more traffic and gets the audience for your website. Using keywords is most important in online/business content that is audience oriented. While for academics, using engaging keywords and headlines make their content more attractive and gets good assessment marks.
3. Completely rewrite the content structure
Rewriting means starting from scratch and rewriting the whole content so you must pay more attention to this part. You must rewrite all sentences and change highlighted words with suitable synonyms. The tone and flow of the content must also be different from the original version. Rewriting is beneficial only if the new version is better and unique than the previous version of the content.
4. Add citations
Always remember to cite the reference of the content source while rewriting an article. It is necessary to ensure the authenticity of any information that you add to your content. Rewriting and other writing techniques are ethical only if they don’t cause any copyright infringement. It is a must to give credit to the rightful owner of the content because although you have changed the words and sentences of the content, it is still someone else’s idea.
5. Avoid plagiarism
How AI tools help in rewriting content
Several AI tools can help in rewriting content. These tools can help to identify errors and suggest corrections, as well as improve the overall quality of the writing. AI tools can also help to recreate and restructure the content more effectively. Best AI tools may even help you to generate new ideas and headings to add to the content. below is the AI tool that I use for rewriting a blog or essay.
Article reword tool
The article reword tool rewrites the content in three different versions. Default mode rewrites the content that is relevant to the original content, longer mode adds details to the content and the rewritten version is longer than the previous version of the content. Lastly, the unique mode rewrites plagiarism-free content.
The rewritten version of the content is unique and better than the previous version. It is a multilingual tool and can rewrite the content in English, Dutch, Spanish, German, Indonesian, French, and Turkish. So you may rewrite your article in any of the above-mentioned languages.
Using an AI based content tool is always preferable and becoming the next big thing. When you have to ensure the quality of the content, you need to use AI tools for assistance.
There are many things to consider when rewriting an article. For example, you might want to include different keywords, use a different title, or change the format. This blog post has discussed top tips and many other things to consider when rewriting an article. You may use an AI tool to rewrite an article in seconds. AI tools help you avoid plagiarism and provide better content in one click. I hope you have learned all the key points that would help you better rewrite an article or essay. I wish you the very best of luck with your writing career.